Using the term Christian Clinical Psychologist is usually considered an oxymoron. The profession of Clinical Psychology is seen as one of the least religious professions and within psychology, clinical psychologists are seen as the least religious professionals. Despite this, a few of us have broken away from that mold and put our spirituality first.
As a Born Again Christian, a husband, a father and then a clinical psychologist, I bring to my clients a unique combination of training, experience, practical living and spirituality to help them deal with life's difficult situations. With my speciality trainings in the areas of marriage and family, child psychology, and human sexuality, I dealt with with the difficult issues of child abuse, sexual abuse, and the resultant court work. I also deal with marriage and family issues such as marriage counseling, divorce issues and custody issues.
As a Christian Clinical Psychologist I also specialize in individual psychotherapy working with individuals trying to find their way through this difficult world. What follows is my resume which I placed on this web sight in order for you to examine my educational background and professional experience to better help you make a determination as to whether or not I can be of benefit to you and your loved ones.
Our office is unique as my wife, Mitzi, is the Business Manager. Very few couples could work together in a business, however we have done so throughout out careers and have really enjoyed it.
Dr. Hackney's father was a concert pianist. Dr. Hackney is also a classically trained pianist, and he still enjoys playing today. Now, he simply enjoys playing for his grandchildren and helping them learn to enjoy music.

Dr. Hackney is a Ph.D., Kansas State Licensed Clinical Psychologist and holds specialty diplomas (diplomates) in the following areas:
- Marital and Family Psychology
American Board of Family Psychology - Psychotherapy
International Academy of Behavioral Medicine, Counseling and Psychotherapy - Sex Therapy
American Board of Christian Sex Therapists
American Board of Sexology - Forensic Psychology
Board Certified Forensic Examiner
American Board of Forensic Examiners - Psychological Assessment Evaluation & Testing
American Board of Psychological Specialties - Child Psychology
American Board of Psychological Specialities - Christian Psychology
Board Certified Professional Christian Counselor, International Board of Christian Counselors
Certified Christian Life Coach
Certified Christian Marriage Mentor Trainer and Supervisor
Dr. Hackney is a Clinical member of the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.
Dr. Hackney is a Clinical Fellow in the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, a Fellow in the Academy of Family Psychology, and a Fellow of the Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators (PACE).
Dr. Hackney has testified throughout the state of Kansas and nationally as an expert witness in the areas of family psychology, child custody, child abuse, capital murder and juvenile crises. He also is a military forensic consultant for the United States Government. Dr. Hackney was profiled in an ABC 20/20 episode for his involvement in forensic (court related) psychology.